Melomed 24 Emergency Services
Melomed 24 ambulance services mission is to provide a full spectrum of medical services to the community. Each Emergency Unit at the hospitals within the Melomed Group boasts a fully equipped ambulance with highly skilled and specialised Paramedics.
Our Emergency Units therefore have the capabilities to deal with any Emergency 24-hours a day. Melomed 24 also provides emergency standby services and has successfully provided this service for many local and international events.
About Melomed 24
Melomed 24 Ambulance Services is a dedicated fleet of ambulances that has been in existence for nearly two decades. Expanding on the Melomed ethos of providing affordable, quality healthcare to the communities we serve, the need for an ambulance services dedicated to the communities in and around Melomed hospitals, Melomed 24 has become the ambulance of choice for many patients, schools, businesses and community based organisations.
Service provided by Melomed 24 include emergency assistance at your home, roadside, place of work or leisure. Expanding on our medical aid coverage, where almost all medical aids cover Melomed 24 care, we aim to provide the best and quickest route of care to you and your loved ones. Our staff are trained paramedics and are qualified in the most up to date emergency related treatment protocols.
Services Offered by Melomed24
24-hour access to the Melomed emergency call centre
Dispatch of emergency response vehicles
Emergency telephonic advice
Information hotline
Medical transportation
Inter-hospital transfers
Events Emergency Service of Choice
School Events
Sporting Events
Preferred Service providers to EMS contractor
In-hospital medical monitoring
Information Sessions/Talks at Institutions
Motor vehicle accidents
Emergency medical services
Medical rescue services
Corporate Social Initiative
Melomed Private Hospitals, together with the team at Melomed 24 provides essential medical services in South Africa. Our team at the various Melomed hospitals and Melomed 24 Emergency Services service approximately 5 million members of the previously disadvantaged community who often exhibit needs that the rest of society takes for granted. Lack of numeracy, literacy, proper nutrition and recreational amenities to name a few, are such examples.
Over the years that Melomed has operated in these disadvantaged communities, our company has become increasingly aware of these needs and has whenever possible, made interventions to alleviate some of those needs to a certain degree. Melomed Private Hospitals finds it necessary to develop a social responsibility programme that serves the communities, as it feels it incumbent that it ploughs back some of the benefits derived from the surrounding society.
By assisting in improving the quality of life for those less fortunate, it will be helping to forge a more equitable and a less discriminatory South African society. Melomed Private Hospitals, together with the team at Melomed 24 is in the fortunate position that is has built up considerable experience in promoting and conducting social responsibility initiatives through various programmes.
Melomed 24 Events Management
Melomed 24 has proven over the years that our team have been able to provide unbeatable, tailor made, reliable, effecient and cost effective emergency medical solutions for your business or event.
How to prepare for Melomed 24's arrival..