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Melomed Orthopaedics

The field of orthopedics focuses on the musculoskeletal system, encompassing your bones, joints, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and nerves. Our expert orthopedic specialists diagnose, treat, and prevent a wide range of conditions affecting movement and mobility. Whether you're experiencing pain, stiffness, or an injury, orthopedics can help get you back to doing the activities you love.

When should you visit an Surgeon?

Orthopaedic Image When you experience joint pain and discomfort which stops you from doing your everyday activities, it is time to see an orthopaedic doctor. Your pain may result from a sprain, strain, or ligament tear that needs immediate attention; the wear and tear associated with arthritis; or a related medical condition or chronic pain. Our Melomed Orthopaedic Specialists can perform both surgical and non-surgical procedures to help treat your injury or condition.

Some of the pain and discomfort includes:
Pain in that starts in the low back and runs down one or both legs
Difficulty performing daily activities
Limited range of motion
Instability walking or standing
When should you visit the trauma unit to get specialised orthopaedic treatment?
A bone fracture or orthopaedic trauma
A ligament or tendon tears
Dislocation happens
For sprains, strains, or pain from an injury that has not improved
Sudden numbness, tingling, weakness, or bowel/bladder incontinence

With the expertise of our Melomed Orthopaedic Surgeons and due to the high volume of patient cases, this allow us to manage routine and complex care effectively.

Do not delay your medical treatment any further and contact one of our Orthopaedic Surgeons today.

Most common Surgical Procedures

Total joint replacement is a surgical procedure in which certain parts of an arthritic or damaged joint, such as a knee joint, are removed and replaced with an artificial joint that moves like a healthy joint.

If you have very severe arthritis, for example, total knee replacement surgery may be an option. When knee replacement surgery is performed, the cartilage of the knee joint is replaced with an implant.

This procedure involves removing the ball and socket of a joint with arthritis and inserting a new ball and socket to allow movement at the new joint.

This procedure involves replacing damaged bone and cartilage with an implant to improve range of motion at the shoulder joint.

The rotator cuff helps keep your shoulder anchored and helps it to move. A tear in the cuff can limit your range of motion and cause pain. These tears can be repaired with surgery to relieve pain and improve strength and functioning of the shoulder.

Arthroscopy is a method of viewing or performing surgery on a joint by use of an arthroscope, which consists of a very small tube, a lens, and a light source using fiber optics to visualize the surgical area. orthopaedic surgeons perform shoulder, knee and other repairs with arthroscopy. The incision made for inserting the arthroscope is very small, and fewer stitches may be required. The advantage to arthroscopy is a smaller incision heals more quickly and there is less trauma to tissue.

A variety of problems may lead to spine surgery. There are a number of procedures that can be performed to improve function and remove back pain, and these procedures are done if more conservative treatment, such as medication or physical therapy, don't work. These include such common procedures as laminectomy, diskectomy, fusion, and spinal decompressions. Kyphoplasty is a less-invasive technique for the pain of spinal fractures often caused by osteoporosis.

A variety of problems with the ankles and wrists require surgical treatment. Overuse injuries, rheumatoid arthritis, stress fractures and sprains can often be treated with surgery if more conservative treatment fails.

The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is the major stabilizing ligament of the knee. When it ruptures, reconstruction can be performed in a number of ways, including state-of-the-art tendon grafts.

Frequently Asked Questions?

The hip is a ball-and-socket joint that has a large range of movement. Total hip replacement (THR) surgery is undertaken when a patient's native hip has been problematic due to a number of possible causes, including arthritis, trauma or collapse of the femoral head (the ball). Surgery is recommended when there is constant pain and stiffness that limits daily activities and reduces your quality of life. The surgery involves replacing the worn or damaged ball (femoral head) with a new prosthetic ball, as well as lining the socket (acetabulum) with a prosthesis to restore motion in the hip and eliminate pain.

Hip replacement surgery is usually very successful, second only to cataract surgery in the whole field of medicine. More than 95% of patients have relief from hip pain, and the success rate remains at 90 - 95% at 10 years post surgery.

Although hip replacement is an extremely successful procedure, there are possible risks associated with any surgery. The risks of complications are around 1-2%. The common ones in THR are:
Bleeding (intra-operative). This can be controlled in surgery using various techniques
Fracture of the femur or pelvis. These may be left to heal on their own or may need to stabilised during the surgery or soon thereafter
Blood clots. These can form in the leg veins during or after surgery and carry a risk of shooting to the lung or heart (embolization). Blood-thinning medication is used to reduce this risk.
Infections. This may be superficial, involving only the wound, which is treated with antibiotics, or deeper involving the joint, when further surgery may be needed to cure it. Our patients are all given antibiotics around the surgery to reduce this risk.
Other more rare complications include dislocation of the hip joint, loosening of the prostheses, leg length differences, and nerve damage, but these all occur very infrequently.

Modern surgical techniques aim to get our patients back home and returning to function as soon as possible. The usual hospital stay is between two and four days. Patients are discharged once they are mobile and it is safe for them to return home.

Most patients will cope with crutches after their hip replacement, which they will use for between 4 and 6 weeks. A small number of patients may require a walking frame is they feel unsteady or are unable to use crutches.

Ideally, patients will have "pre-habilitation" where they do exercises to strengthen them prior to surgery. Rehabilitation will start very soon after surgery, mostly the next day, or in some circumstances even on the day of surgery.

We aim to make the surgery as comfortable and pain-free as possible. The anaesthetist will decide with the patient on the pain management strategy best suited for them. This may include general or regional (spinal or epidural) anaesthesia, nerve blocks, local anaesthetic wound injections, patient-controlled pain medicine pumps, and intravenous and oral pain medication.

The best strategy is to follow the instructions given to you by your surgeon and physio- and occupational therapists. The wound is to be left undisturbed (clean and dry) until your first check-up, care should be taken when walking with crutches; certain movements need to be avoided (like crossing the legs or squatting) for the first 6 weeks; infections elsewhere need to be managed early.

Most patients will be off regular activity for around 5 - 6 weeks, including work and driving. Walking, however, should resume soon after surgery. We recommend a slow and progressive return to sport, in consultation with the physio, as this is governed by your activity and fitness level and the type of sport played.

The most important factor is to follow what you have been advised to do by your surgeon and physiotherapist. Not being active enough with rehabilitation, or the converse - trying to do too much too soon - will work against you. Recovery is cumulative and progressive, and the vast majority of patients will enjoy a return to an active and pain-free quality of life.

With modern surgical techniques, implant designs and manufacturing materials, most hip implants will have good longevity, often in the region of 15 -20 years or more. There are some patients who have had hip replacements over 30 years ago who are still going strong!


Dr. Abdul Aleem Rawoot

Orthopaedic Surgeon at

Melomed Tokai

Melomed Bellville

Dr. Ashwin Seevsagath

Orthopaedic Surgeon at

Melomed Tokai

Melomed Mitchells Plain

Dr. Resham Atwaru

Orthopaedic Surgeon at

Melomed Tokai

Melomed Bellville

Dr. Tayo Sulaiman

Orthopaedic Surgeon at

Melomed Tokai

Melomed Gatesville

Dr. Haroun Ahmed

Orthopaedic Surgeon at

Melomed Gatesville

Melomed Mitchells Plain

Dr. Ajmal Ikram

Orthopaedic Surgeon at

Melomed Gatesville

Dr. Pradep Makan

Orthopaedic Surgeon at

Melomed Gatesville

Dr. Jean-Paul Abner

Orthopaedic Surgeon at

Melomed Bellville

Dr. Jan Marais

Orthopaedic Surgeon at

Melomed Bellville

Dr. Sailesh Kumar Ragoo

Orthopaedic Surgeon at

Melomed Richards Bay

Dr Riyaad Salie

Orthopaedic Surgeon at

Melomed Mitchells Plain

Melomed Tokai

Dr. Zaheer Moonda

Orthopaedic Surgeon at

Melomed Tokai

Melomed Gatesville

Dr. Muhamed Mohideen

Orthopaedic Surgeon at

Melomed Bellville

Melomed Mitchells Plain

Dr. Thato Mniki

Orthopaedic Surgeon at

Melomed Richards Bay