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The Common Female Health Challenge: Uterine Fibroids

Dr. Marion Ntsako Nkanyane
By Dr. Marion Ntsako Nkanyane
Obstetrician/Gynaecologist and currently practices at Melomed Richards Bay

Fibroids are growths that arise from the muscle of the uterus. They are common, affecting about 80% of women although not everyone will have problematic symptoms. The cause of fibroids is unknown however age, ethnicity and genetics have been found to play a role. The influence of the hormones estrogen and progesterone also contribute to their growth and development.

Uterine Fibroids

What symptoms are caused by fibroids?

How are fibroids diagnosed?
Your symptoms may suggest that you have fibroids, and this will be confirmed by an ultrasound. The ultrasound can also indicate the location and size of the fibroids which will assist in choosing the right treatment plan.

Treatment for fibroids?
Treatment is usually indicated for women with bothersome symptoms. If the fibroids are not causing any problems and they were diagnosed incidentally, a more conservative approach with monitoring of their growth can be applied. The treatment options for fibroids depend on their size, number and site on the uterus. Also influencing the treatment will be whether future fertility is desired or not. The options can be either medications, surgery or interventional as discussed below.


It is of paramount importance for women who have any of the symptoms above to have a gynaecological assesment to rule out the presence of fibroids as earlier diagnosis can result in more favourable treatment outcomes.