#: locale=en ## Action ### URL LinkBehaviour_A45BA048_E4BB_903D_41E8_9EF2D873B7C9.source = https://wa.me/message/J5FNCHHYMJGID1 LinkBehaviour_BA917E4E_3F91_D2FD_419C_E46BF21A628E.source = https://wa.me/message/J5FNCHHYMJGID1 ## Media ### Title panorama_DE3DA507_E561_6D67_41E6_DBB0C1636512.label = Aerial View panorama_DE3EB730_E55F_6DB9_41C2_51B320D235F9.label = Entrance panorama_A5D2934C_E55F_25E9_41A6_D1A313627F8C.label = Ground Floor Reception panorama_DE3D2345_E561_E5DB_41E8_75B98576AAB2.label = Ground Floor Waiting Area panorama_DE3B8EDF_E55F_3CE7_41E7_595AF730EC26.label = Morton & Partners panorama_DE3DAF9E_E560_FD69_41E6_010631CEF1E3.label = PathCare panorama_D3CE1D8C_E88C_5189_41EA_C5EB08EAD1F8.label = Pharmacy panorama_DE3D4463_E561_23DF_41D1_47504A94212B.label = Renal Care photo_AA8104E7_E884_3787_41D6_C76619752733.label = Renal care ## Popup ### Body htmlText_AD3EC7E8_E8BC_3189_4191_9AA4E49DF727.html =
Operating Hours:
Monday - Friday: 08h00 - 20h00
Saturdays, Sundays & Public Holidays: 10h00 - 14h00
htmlText_1691ED84_14BA_D201_4134_AE3057D402D0.html =
Operating Hours:
Monday - Friday: 08h00 - 20h00
Saturdays, Sundays & Public Holidays: 10h00 - 14h00
htmlText_7F5302BB_E5E3_24AF_41D5_9D1715D9632E.html =
Our new ultra comfortable, modern dialysis unit offers renal dialysis services to patients suffering from kidney failure. Melomed Renal Care (Pty) Ltd was formed as a joint venture between Melomed Hospital Holdings and National Renal Care.
Melomed Renal Care runs a fully modernised and all encompassing mobile acute dialysis service. It is manned by our dedicated nursing staff on call 24 hours a day. The acute dialysis program involves a range of services including haemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, plasma filtration therapy and blood exchange. Continuous, ongoing therapies of differing types can be provided for chronic and acute kidney failure patients.
All of our dialysis units offer bicarbonate dialysis, amongst other services. Melomed Renal Care also offers a comprehensive home haemodialysis programme. Both Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD) and Automated Peritoneal Dialysis (APD) are offered in our all-inclusive Renal Care program. A complete home visit and delivery service are provided. We are able to provide an extended delivery service for disposables treatment both locally and internationally. In addition to offering a full complement of dialysis therapies to aid rehabilitation, Melomed Renal Care also has a comprehensive range of services which give immeasurable value to our patients. These include patient education on treatment and prevention and support groups for both patients and their families.
## Skin ### Label Label_0C5F13A8_3BA0_A6FF_41BD_E3D21CFCE151.text = Melomed Tokai Label_0C5F13A8_3BA0_A6FF_41BD_E3D21CFCE151_mobile.text = Melomed Tokai ## Tour ### Description ### Title tour.name = Melomed Tokai